Dentist in Cary Offers Complimentary Blood Pressure Screenings

June 30, 2017

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Your dentist in Cary will check your blood pressure.When you visit your family physician, having your blood pressure checked is a routine part of the appointment. You might be a bit surprised if your dentist recommends it as well; however, it is for good reason. You should have your arterial pressure evaluated prior to dental procedures and at your preventive appointments. The results of the screening give your dentist in Cary, Dr. Darren Koch, key information regarding your safety during dental treatments and potential risks to your oral health. We offer the screenings at your cleaning and checkup appointments to ensure your overall well-being.

Why Should the Dentist Check My Blood Pressure?

It is estimated that one in three Americans suffer from high blood pressure; however, many are not aware they have an issue. Maintaining a healthy level is vital to your cardiovascular health. If it is in an abnormal range, you have an increased risk for potentially deadly complications, like heart attack and stroke. However, it can also cause issues during dental procedures.

Certain dental treatments can increase your pressure level. If it is already high, this can raise your risk for a heart attack during the procedure. In addition, local anesthetics can constrict the blood vessels for a short period of time, which can lead to cardiovascular complications if your levels are out of the normal range. Anesthetics that contain vasoconstrictors will increase arterial pressure and heart arrhythmia, creating a potentially deadly mixture for those with an elevated level.

If you suffer from dental anxieties and have hypertension, it is important for you to have a stress-free appointment. Therefore, extra precautions will need to be taken to help you relax. In addition, the screening allows your Cary dentist, Dr. Koch, to understand if you have a heightened risk for certain dental complications.

Many medications used to treat the condition can cause dry mouth, which increases your risk for tooth decay. Medicines that contain calcium blockers can lead to gum overgrowth. As a result, you will need a plan in place to protect your dental health when managing your blood pressure.

How Can I Have My Blood Pressure Checked?

We are committed to helping our patients maintain the highest level of health while delivering safe, effective dental care. We now offer complimentary blood pressure screenings at your dental appointments. Although all patients over the age of 20 can benefit from the screening, we often recommend it for patients who have not visited their physician recently, need a surgical procedure, or have taken Halcion for anxiety.

We recommend you have a screening performed at least once a year if you have a history of proper levels of less than 120/80. In addition, if you are borderline with systolic levels ranging from 120 to 139 and a diastolic reading of 80 to 89, you should have it checked yearly as well. However, if your numbers are higher than 140 to 190, Dr. Koch will advise you to see your physician for further care.

Dr. Koch and his dental team take your health and well-being seriously. We are proud to offer routine blood pressure screenings to help promote your quality of care. Contact us today to learn more.

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